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Writing Messy Queer Characters

Boston Park Plaza Hotel

1-hour session, in-person Disney villains, disaster lesbians, and hot trans messes, oh my! In this session, we’ll look at “good” messy queers, “bad” messy queers, stereotypes, redemption, interiority, and mainstream media representations, all to help writers better visualize how to portray a messy queer character who’s complex and authentic. Free! More info here:

A Trans History of the Weimar Republic

Boston Park Plaza Hotel

1-hour session, in-person During the Weimar Republic (1919 to 1933), Berlin was considered the queerest city in the entire world, as well as a trailblazer of transgender healthcare and culture. Join Milo Todd as he discusses the era’s vibrant trans community and its endless series of documented firsts, including terminology, surgeries, rights, memoirs, and music. […]

Effective Social Justice Storytelling

Boston Park Plaza Hotel

1-hour session, in-person Social justice themes in fiction feel needed now more than ever. Throughout history, the written word has been effective in changing minds and soothing hearts. But as much as you want to tackle these issues, you might feel lost or overwhelmed with possibility. In this session, we’ll look at some steps to […]

Finding a Literary Agent

Boston Park Plaza Hotel

1-hour session, in-person Finding a literary agent for your novel is confusing even at the best of times, but when you’re also a marginalized writer, it can feel overwhelming. How do you find agents that are a good fit for you? How do you query them? What questions should you ask when you get “the […]

*FREE* Novel Immersive for LGBTQ+ Writers Open House & Info Session

1-hour session via Zoom Thinking of applying to the Novel Immersive for LGBTQ+ Writers? GrubStreet will host an online Q&A session with instructor Milo Todd on Thursday, February 22nd, from 6:00-7:00p.m. Milo will answer any questions you have about the Novel Immersive, including the workload, the application process, what the program does and doesn’t entail, the schedule, the philosophy behind our approach, and anything else […]

Queer Writing Essentials

3-hour class via Zoom Writing authentic marginalized work can come with some unique problems, especially if/when we engage with the mainstream publishing industry or its readers. This 3-hour class was designed to help queer writers navigate some of the less-discussed aspects of marginalized writing, including how to introduce your characters as queer, creating effective social […]

*FREE* Transcestors Series: Pirates of the 1600s Atlantic

1-hour class via Zoom How do modern-day portrayals of queer and trans pirates stack up to the real thing? Were there any pirates who we’d today define as trans? How did pirates view queer sexual orientations and gender presentations? What about other so-called political topics, such as slavery and disability? Take a look at queerness […]

*FREE!* Transcestors Series: The Stonewall Rebellion

1-hour class via Zoom What happened during the multi-night rebellion around the Stonewall Inn in June of 1969 in Greenwich Village, New York? What was the first thing thrown and who threw it? Who took part and who stayed away? Hear the details of what happened when (predominantly) impoverished, BIPOC gender nonconforming people decided they'd […]

Genre-Queer: Narrative Structures for the Other

6 Mondays from 7:00pm-9:00pm ET (6:00pm-8:00pm CT), starting June 17th, 2024 via Zoom Throughout our history of marginalization and oppression, queer voices have created our own ways of speaking and expressing ourselves. But with us so Othered in queer tongues, how do we tell our stories to the mainstream authentically? In this queer-focused course, we’ll […]

Writing Outside of Your Lane

3-hour class via Zoom Over the past several years, the publishing world (and its readers) have thankfully demanded more diversity within stories. But as welcoming as this change is, it can leave many non-marginalized writers with anxiety. How are you supposed to go about it? What if you mess up? Are you allowed to write […]

A Brief History of the Stonewall Rebellion

Joshua Hyde Public Library

1-hour event via Zoom We all know that June is Pride Month, but do we know why? Come join historical fiction author Milo Todd as he discusses the Stonewall Rebellion, a grassroots movement that sparked LGBTQ+ rights across the country, and later, across the world. What happened during the multi-night rebellion around the Stonewall Inn […]

Novel in Progress

8 Thursdays from 6:00pm-9:00pm ET, starting July 11th, 2024 via Zoom First drafts of novels can be messy, amorphous, and daunting. Sometimes, extensive critical feedback can be counterproductive before the first draft is finished, yet writers often find themselves losing focus without support and guidance. In class, we will do exercises, discuss craft issues—characterization, the […]